The University of Toronto Library does not have a book appraisal service.
We recommend that you contact a reputable second hand book dealer or visit one of the following websites:
The University of Toronto Library does not have a book appraisal service.
We recommend that you contact a reputable second hand book dealer or visit one of the following websites:
Our Citing Sources research guide can help you cite properly.
You can also contact us directly with a specific question.
The Information Commons Help Desk on the first floor of Robarts Library can help you with your UTmail+ or UTORexchange email.
There are vending machines with school supplies located on the Ground Floor and 3rd floor of the Robarts Library, and on the Concourse Level of the OISE Library.
The Arts & Sciences Student Union has a fax machine available for student use.
Email, or visit the Help Desk in person on the first floor of Robarts Library.
Know your current password? Change it online
Forgot your password? Reset it online (set-up required)
The only way to link to full text in End Note web is to download the document and attaching it to the record in the appropriate field.
With the software,
To Link to Full Text Articles through the University of Toronto Library's subscriptions, follow these steps:
From the EndNote Tool Bar, choose EDIT - Preference - Find Full Text
Note: also ensure that all full text search options listed are also checked off (Web of Knowledge, DOI, PubMed, OpenURL).
Book reviews are listed in our main article database:
For more sources of book reviews, try the two research guides linked below under "more information".
The MyMedia help page has video tutorials, documentation, and lists of known issues. For further help, please contact
We believe we have fixed the issue that caused the error message of "disallowed key characters" to appear when searching from the library homepage.
If you see this error again
Clear your browser cookies and try to search again. Alternatively, open a private/incognito window and resume searching.
If clearing the browser cookies does not resolve the issue, help us troubleshoot by sending an email to utl-catalogue(at) with as much of the following information as you can:
If you're stuck, try searching the library catalogue directly or an individual database instead of our main search. We can help you find the best alternative for your specific research needs.
Writing at the University of Toronto has advice for specific writing styles including annotated bibliographies.
Criterion-on-Demand is a video streaming service subscribed to by the University of Toronto Libraries featuring thousands of films, including recent Hollywood blockbusters.
Access to this resource while off-campus will require UTORid authentication. Also note, films labeled as "Restricted" can only be viewed while on campus and connected to the U of T network.
If you are experiencing issues streaming, please try the following:
If issues persist, please contact us for further support.
There are about a dozen Toronto hospitals whose library collections appear in our catalogue. These items are for the staff affiliated with each hospital.
It might be possible to use items at these libraries, but you'll have to call the library that owns the item to see what their policies are. If they don't allow in-library use, you can always place an interlibrary loan to have it shipped to your campus.
There are three ways to set up table of contents alerts:
Why would you use the database to set up your TOC alerts? You only need to create one account in one place.
Why would you use the journal website? The journal website is likely to be more up to date.
Example: On this date, June 28, 2012, the most current issue in Medline was June 14, 2012 and the most current at was June 28, 2012, two issues ahead of Medline.
Each database and each journal website will have slightly different procedures but they will all involve setting up an account that includes your email address.
MOLES (Methodology Oriented Locaters for Evidence Searching) are a collection of words that function as search filters in library searching. Use MOLES to help refine your search results to the specific type of information you're looking for.
If you're taking Social Work SWK4510, Research for Evidence-Based Social Work Practice, you will use MOLES words in your library research. In SWK4510, you will employ MOLES words for effectiveness questions.
Read more about MOLES and SWK4510 here:
There is a secreening room as well as a theatre located on the 3rd floor of Robarts Library. How to book a room.
Guest Cards (previously called Visitor Cards) can be purchased from Guest Card & Cash Loading Stations at Robarts Library and the Gerstein Science Information Centre, or at the service desk at other libraries, for $5. This initial purchase dispenses a guest card with $4 on it. Users can load additional funds to the card online or at Guest Card & Cash Loading Stations in minimum increments of $5.
If you are experiencing trouble using your TCard or Guest Card for printing or photocopying, please follow the following steps:
The errors you are getting mean that you need to clear your cache and cookies - depending on your browser, clearing your cache and cookies may be different, so select the browser you're experiencing this issue with:
If your browser is not listed, search ' [browser name] cache and cookies ' (ex. 'Internet Explorer cache and cookies') in a search engine, your browser likely has an instruction page available online.
Note: ensure your settings read it to clear for "all time". Sometimes it defaults to clearing the past 24 hours only, and then the problem persists. Close then reopen your browser, and try using library resources again!
If you've already used the Report a Problem form to tell us that you're seeing this, we've received your email and you'll get a response from our Reader Registration office. Reader Registration may email you back to confirm information or inform you on your account status.
Send an email to if you haven't already (only one email is required). When seeing this email (ideally it would include the words “financial hold”) we will work to see that the hold is cleared in a timely manner.
If you're off campus, make sure you are using a proxied link. If you don't see in the URL, try adding this prefix at the front of the URL of the article:
If this doesn’t work, we’ll see it too, and we’ll try to find a work-around for you!
Thanks for sending us an email about this! You can try an alternate way of accessing the article, such as:
Try another link available under "Full text availability" (if available)
Try searching for the journal the article is published in instead, with the following steps:
Try using one of the links available under "Full text availability." If you emailed us, we’ll let the team know to make changes as needed.
If you're using UTORvpn, you might see this error while accessing items in ScienceDirect. Turn off UTORvpn and add the proxy prefix in front of the URL.
No problem! We’ll endeavor to respond to your email within 24-48 business hours.
Our website supports:
As of June 1, 2017, we are no longer able to support other internet browsers to protect your security, privacy, and overall experience of our website.
The circulation desk is the place at any library where you can check out and return books, pay fines, pick up your holds, and more. They are usually located near the main entrance of each library, and are sometimes called the "Loans Desk".
Pictured: The Loans Desk at Robarts Library.
To receive an email with the BMJ Case Reports Institutional Fellowship code, send a request to
Please notify the circulation desk of the library that the books belongs to.
Call Campus Community Police right away: 416-978-2323.
Thank you for your conscientiousness! You can drop off belongings to the lost and found or Campus Safety, or mail them to the lost and found office.
For privacy reasons, we cannot contact the owners of lost items on your behalf or give out contact information of any kind.
Turn it in to any TCard office, U of T campus safety office, or library staff member.
You can deposit found items in Robarts' lost and found box, located on the first floor of the library near the elevators.