If you are experiencing trouble using your TCard or Guest Card for printing or photocopying, please follow the following steps:

I’m seeing a 404, “bad gateway,” “heading too large,” “empty response” error, or getting redirected to the library’s home page when I’m using library resources.

The errors you are getting mean that you need to clear your cache and cookies - depending on your browser, clearing your cache and cookies may be different, so select the browser you're experiencing this issue with: 

If your browser is not listed, search ' [browser name] cache and cookies ' (ex. 'Internet Explorer cache and cookies') in a search engine, your browser likely has an instruction page available online.

Note: ensure your settings read it to clear for "all time". Sometimes it defaults to clearing the past 24 hours only, and then the problem persists. Close then reopen your browser, and try using library resources again!

It says, “your account does not have access to this resource” or “your account is not configured for access.”

If you've already used the Report a Problem form to tell us that you're seeing this, we've received your email and you'll get a response from our Reader Registration office. Reader Registration may email you back to confirm information or inform you on your account status.

I have a “financial hold” on my account after paying my fines library fines, what can I do about this?

Send an email to libraryhelp@utoronto.ca if you haven't already (only one email is required). When seeing this email (ideally it would include the words “financial hold”) we will work to see that the hold is cleared in a timely manner.

I'm getting a paywall while trying to access an article.

If you're off campus, make sure you are using a proxied link. If you don't see myaccess.library.utoronto.ca in the URL, try adding this prefix at the front of the URL of the article: http://myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/login?url=  
If this doesn’t work, we’ll see it too, and we’ll try to find a work-around for you!

The LibrarySearch link to the article is broken or leads to the wrong article.

Thanks for sending us an email about this! You can try an alternate way of accessing the article, such as:

Try another link available under "Full text availability" (if available)

Try searching for the journal the article is published in instead, with the following steps:

  1. Search for the journal in Journal Search
  2. Click on a link under "Full text availability" to access the e-journal
  3. Browse to the volume and issue you're looking for
  4. Access the article

The Download PDF button doesn't work.

Try using one of the links available under "Full text availability." If you emailed us, we’ll let the team know to make changes as needed.

In ScienceDirect, I'm seeing the error "There was a problem providing the content you requested."

If you're using UTORvpn, you might see this error while accessing items in ScienceDirect. Turn off UTORvpn and add the proxy prefix in front of the URL.


My issue is not here.

No problem! We’ll endeavor to respond to your email within 24-48 business hours.


Report an online resource problem.

Get Library Help.

Our website supports:

  • Firefox version 31 and above
  • Chrome version 31 and above
  • Safari version 9 and above
  • Internet Explorer version 11 and above

As of June 1, 2017, we are no longer able to support other internet browsers to protect your security, privacy, and overall experience of our website.

The circulation desk is the place at any library where you can check out and return books, pay fines, pick up your holds, and more.  They are usually located near the main entrance of each library, and are sometimes called the "Loans Desk".

Pictured: The Loans Desk at Robarts Library.

To receive an email with the BMJ Case Reports Institutional Fellowship code, send a request to ask.gerstein@utoronto.ca

Please notify the circulation desk of the library that the books belongs to.  

Thank you for your conscientiousness! You can drop off belongings to the lost and found or Campus Safety, or mail them to the lost and found office.  

For privacy reasons, we cannot contact the owners of lost items on your behalf or give out contact information of any kind.


Turn it in to any TCard office, U of T campus safety office, or library staff member.

Robarts drop box

You can deposit found items in Robarts' lost and found box, located on the first floor of the library near the elevators.

lost and found box with blue plush toy on top

Thank you for your interest in University of Toronto Libraries.  The links below will help you discover current employment opportunities for library and information professionals.  Application instructions are available with every job posting.

Looking for student jobs?

Current course calendars and listings are available online. Most faculties also archive older calendars on their websites. 

The University of Toronto Archives have print copies of most calendars available in their Reading Room. Many older university calendars have also been digitized and can be accessed online.

For additional information, please contact the University of Toronto Archives.

Please see our online staff directory.

If you are a faculty member, please contact your faculty liaison librarian.

Microfiche and microfilm readers are available on the third floor of Robarts Library.

Other libraries may also have microfiche and microfilm readers. 

Quiet space to rest and reset

Both rooms are spaces for religious, spiritual and secular practices, including prayer, meditation, yoga and mindfulness

Study space

Quiet study spaces are peppered throughout the University of Toronto's 40 libraries. Your best bets are: 


  • Gerstein Science Information Centre - The Morrison Pavilion and the Heritage Reading Room 
  • Robarts Library - Quiet Zones
  • UC Library Reading Room


We asked our Twitter followers about their favourite quiet study spaces. Here's what they said:

  • the fireplace or rhodes rooms in Graham Library are some of our favourites!!
  • Earth Sciences library, second floor in the individual study areas!
  • 12th floor [Robarts] :) nice and quite :)
  • We don't want to tell [or] others will nab our favourite quiet corners!

Consult your liaison librarian for a range of services offered by the library to support teaching and research including...

  • Research consultations for faculty
  • Curriculum related instruction
  • Tailored research guides for courses or programs
  • Collection requests and suggestions
  • Questions or suggestions about library and information technology services

Find your personal librarian by logging in with your UTORid.

The Personal Librarian program pairs incoming Arts & Sciences, Applied Science & Engineering, and OISE graduate students with a University of Toronto librarian during their first year at the university.

Students involved in the program receive advice and feedback from their personal librarian throughout their first year, and are encouraged to contact their librarian whenever they have questions about library resources, services, and research.

Larry Alford has been the Chief Librarian of the University of Toronto Libraries since August 2011.

Mr. Alford has a long and distinguished library career. Prior to joining Temple in 2005, he spent 30 years with his alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While at North Carolina, he served in a variety of positions, including deputy university librarian and interim university librarian.

Our previous Chief Librarian, Carole Moore, retired in June 2011 after 25 years of dedicated service and visionary leadership.

Some titles in the EBSCOhost ebook collection have a limited number of ‘seats’ or users that can view an ebook at the same time. The ebook title displaying this message indicates the maximum number of users are accessing the ebook. You will have to check back at a later time to see if the ebook is available.