Getting Started with U of T Dataverse

The demo repository

Borealis offers a demo repository where you can try out the platform and its functionality. The demo repository has all the same features as U of T Dataverse and is a great way to get familiar with the platform without worrying about making mistakes. It allows you to practice creating a dataverse collection, adding data, organizing your data, restricting files, and seeing how things will look when published. Please note that we recommend using a dummy dataset in the demo repository.

You will need to create a separate account to log in to the demo repository.

Creating an account | Adding data | Adding collaborators | Updating metadata | Access restrictions | Terms of access | Embargos | Publishing your data | Version management 

Creating an account in U of T Dataverse

  1. Go to U of T Dataverse  
  2. Click Log in in the top right corner
  3. Select University of Toronto from the drop-down menu
  4. Enter your UTORid and password

Adding data

Dataverse collections and datasets

U of T Dataverse is organized into dataverse collections and datasets.

  • A dataverse collection is a container for datasets and other dataverse collections. You may wish to have a dataverse collection if you will have many related datasets.
  • A dataset is a container for a set of research data, documentation, and code. Datasets contain files and metadata that describe those files.

dataverse structure diagram

Creating a dataverse collection

You can create a dataverse collection for your personal use, a project team or lab, a specific research project or publication, or any other organizing principle that makes sense for you. 

To create a dataverse collection:

  1. Go to U of T Dataverse
  2. On the right side, click Add Data 
  3. Select New Dataverse
  4. Fill in the appropriate information 
  5. Click Create Dataverse

At this point your dataverse collection is unpublished and will only be visible to you. Go to publishing your data for instructions on making your dataverse collection available to others.

Adding a dataset

  1. Go to your dataverse collection
  2. On the right side, click Add Data
  3. Select New Dataset
  4. Fill in the appropriate information (note: go to licensing for guidance on choosing a license)
  5. Add your data files and documentation by clicking Select Files to Add or by dragging and dropping your files
  6. Click Save Dataset

Note that you can upload up to 1000 files at a time. If your dataset has over 1000 files you can upload them in separate sessions, or you can use the DVUploader, a command-line bulk uploader.

Depositing large files

U of T Dataverse can currently accept individual files that are up to 5 GB. If you need to deposit files that are larger than 5 GB you can compress your files into a ZIP or TAR file format. Note that U of T Dataverse will automatically unzip the first level of compression when you add your data files, so if you are depositing files larger than 5 GB you will need to double zip your file(s).

If you are working with a particularly large dataset we recommend contacting before uploading your files.

Adding collaborators

Adding collaborators affiliated with U of T

  1. Confirm that the collaborator you are trying to add has created an account (go to make Creating an account for more information).
  2. Go to your dataverse collection or dataset
  3. On the right side, click Edit (or Edit Dataset)
  4. Select Permissions (for datasets, select PermissionsDataset)
  5. Click the Users/Groups heading
  6. Click Assign Roles to Users/Groups
  7. In the User/Group field, start typing the name of the user you wish to add and they will appear in the dropdown menu
  8. Select the user you wish to add
  9. Select the role you want to assign to the user
  10. Click Save Changes

Adding collaborators outside of U of T

Only users who are affiliated with U of T and have a UTORid can create a dataverse collection or dataset in U of T Dataverse. However, once you’ve created a dataverse collection or dataset, you can add external collaborators. The person you would like to add must first sign up for an account with Borealis. 

To register as an external collaborator:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in in the top right corner
  3. Underneath Institution not listed? click Sign up
  4. Register with your preferred email

Once the external collaborator has created an account with Borealis, the dataverse collection or dataset admin can add them as a collaborator.

Updating metadata

You can add additional metadata to your dataverse collection and dataset once they’ve been created. Adding metadata will make it easier for future users to search for, access, and reuse your data. For more information on metadata, go to the Metadata Best Practices Guide.

Dataverse collection-level metadata

  1. Go to your dataverse collection
  2. On the right side, click Edit
  3. Select General Information
  4. Update the relevant metadata
  5. Click Save Changes

Dataset-level metadata

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. On the right side, click Edit Dataset
  3. Select Metadata
  4. Update the relevant metadata
  5. Click Save Changes

File-level metadata

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. Select the file you wish to update from the file list
  3. Click the three vertical dots to the right of the file name
  4. Select Metadata
  5. Update the relevant metadata
  6. Click Save Changes

Adding file tags

Adding file tags allows you to clearly indicate what a file is (i.e., a data file, documentation, or code).

To add a file tag:

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. Select the file you wish to update from the file list
  3. Click the three vertical dots to the right of the file name
  4. Select Metadata
  5. Click the three vertical dots to the right of the file name
  6. Select Tags
  7. Select the appropriate tag from the File Tags drop-down menu
  8. Optional: insert a custom data tag in the Custom File Tag field and click Apply
  9. Click Save Changes

Access restrictions

U of T Dataverse allows you to restrict who can view and access your data. This means that while the metadata record of your dataset will be public, users will need to request access in order to view and download restricted files. You can choose to restrict some or all of your files, including documentation.

To apply access restrictions:

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. Select the files you wish to restrict from the file list (note: you can select all files by clicking the checkbox at the top of the file list)
  3. On the right side, click Edit Files
  4. Select Restrict
  5. In the Terms of Access field in the pop-up box, enter any information about how and if users can gain access to the restricted files (go to Terms of access for more information)
  6. If you would like users to be able to request access to restricted files through the U of T Dataverse platform, click the Request Access checkbox (note: in order to restrict access to a file, you will need to either add Terms of Access or enable the Request Access function).
  7. Click Save Changes

You can also update the terms of access after you’ve restricted the files. 

Terms of access

U of T Dataverse allows you to add terms of access to your dataset to explain who can access restricted files, how, and under what conditions (e.g. “only U of T staff and students can access restricted files on completion of a data use agreement”). 

To add or edit terms of access:

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. On the right side, click Edit Dataset
  3. Select Terms
  4. Go to the Restricted Files + Terms of Access tab
  5. Fill in the appropriate fields (tip: hover your mouse over the blue question mark next to a field’s name to learn more about that field).
  6. Click Save Changes


You may choose to apply an embargo to indicate that a dataset exists and will be available at a specified future date. The embargoed files will automatically be made public once the embargo end date has passed (unless they have also been restricted).   

Note that once you apply an embargo, you will not be able to change the embargo end date. If you need to update this information contact

If you want to restrict access to your files and do not want to provide a definitive date that your dataset/files will be made available, we recommend using the access restrictions function.

To add an embargo:

  1. Go your dataset
  2. Select the files you wish to embargo from the file list
  3. On the right side, click Edit Files
  4. Select Embargo
  5. Enter the date you want the embargo to end in the Select the embargo end date field
  6. Enter a brief reason for the embargo in the Add a reason field (optional)
  7. Click Save Changes

Publishing your data

Publishing a dataverse collection and dataset make them viewable and searchable by others. Note that once you publish a dataset, it cannot be unpublished. 

Publishing a dataverse collection

  1. Go to your dataverse collection
  2. On the right side, click Publish 

Publishing a dataset

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. On the right side, click Publish
  3. Select Publish
  4. In the pop-up window, click Continue

Version management 

U of T Dataverse automatically tracks all changes to your published dataset, including any changes to your files and metadata. Any changes to a published dataset are recorded in the Versions tab as a minor or major release. A minor release includes small metadata changes that do not impact the file/dataset citation. A major release includes file updates, large metadata changes, or citation changes. Replacing a file in a published dataset will automatically be recorded as a major version update. 

Replacing a file in a published dataset

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. Select the file you wish to replace from the file list
  3. Click the three vertical dots to the right of the file name
  4. Select Replace
  5. Add the new file using the Select Files to Add button or by dragging and dropping the file
  6. If needed, update the File Name, File Path, and Description
  7. Click Save Changes
  8. On the right side of the dataset homepage, click Publish Dataset
  9. Select Publish
  10. A pop-up will appear indicating this will be a major release - click Continue

Updating metadata in a published dataset

  1. Go to your dataset
  2. Make necessary changes to your metadata (go to updating metadata for details)
  3. In the pop-up window, select Minor Release or Major Release to indicate whether this is a minor or major version update
    • Minor release: select this option for small metadata changes that do not impact the file/dataset citation
    • Major release: select this option or large metadata changes or citation changes
  4. Click Continue