Some areas of Robarts Library and Robarts Common are zoned for quiet or silent study:
Quiet Zones
Whispered conversations, cell phones on vibrate, and other electronics with earbuds or headphones are welcome in these spaces.
- Robarts Library, 9th - 13th floors: Group study rooms adjacent to the Harbord Apexes
- Robarts Library, 3rd floor: Petro Jacyk Central & East European Resource Centre (PJRC)
- Robarts Common, 5th floor
Silent Zones
Conversations and cell phones are discouraged in these spaces.
- Robarts, Library, 2nd floor: Reading Room
- Robarts Library, 3rd floor: Reading Room
- Robarts Library, 4th floor: Computer lab when not in use for teaching
- Robarts Library, 9th - 13th floors: Harbord Apexes