OISE Library
OISE HoursLocation
252 Bloor Street W
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6
The library of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto supports graduate studies, initial teacher education, professional development, and research and teaching in the field of education. The relationships between research, theory, and practice require a unique collection of library resources and services.
The library has the largest collection of education materials in Canada, including an extensive research collection, education journal titles, media resources, current and historical curriculum materials and textbooks, and specialized collections of children’s literature, modern languages, and women’s studies in education.
In addition to our specialized collections, staff at the OISE Library provide research consultations, customized library instruction, and support for all aspects of research, teaching, and learning for the OISE community, education practitioners, and the public.
Group Study Rooms
Book a Study RoomStudy rooms are bookable by any current University of Toronto students, staff, and faculty.
Book a room online up to two weeks in advance using your UTORid and password. You will receive an email confirming your booking. Present your TCard to OISE Library Service Desk staff to pick up a key for your study room.
Mezzanine and Concourse levels.
Four of the rooms on the Mezzanine level have large screen displays. All rooms have power outlets.