Victoria University - Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies

25,000 volumes, including 4,000 pre-1700 volumes all of which are indexed through UTCat. Holdings cover the period 1350 to 1650 in European civilisation. Large collections on Erasmus of Rotterdam and Humanism, the Reformation, history, religion, theology, language and literature. Houses a special Erasmus collection and a collection devoted to the study of confraternities. Many bibliographic tools. More than 15,000 titles on microform, many of which are only listed in the Centre's indices. For more information about the collection, see: Specialized Subject Collections Erasmus Collection Confraternities Collection Microform Collection (including German Pamphlets 1500-1600, French Books Before 1601, Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe, 1455-1500, The Lutheran Reformation: Sources, 1500-1650; and the Uncalendared State Papers Foreign of Elizabeth I; The Complete State Papers Domestic for 1509-1565; and the Talbot Papers)